Ceramic Coating

Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coatings are often based on Nano technology and enhance the protection and looks of your car.It helps in retaining
the new look and shine for years. It also helps you save maintenance, waxing and polishing cost, as it is easy to clean the surface
with plain water. The benefits of ceramic coating are , Protection from rust and minor scratches , The surface of the car stays
cleaner , No need for car wax , Protection from UV damage , Applying the coating will be cost effective , The shine of the exterior
will be more glossy , More resistant to staining and etching from natural chemicals
A high quality and durable ceramic coating
absorbs the damage that would normally be caused directly on the paint. Thus, the paint of the vehicle stays protected and will
retain its value longer.The ceramic coating, when done by a specialist, will be worth your investment.
We are the ceramic coating specialist in Kochi, Kerala